Lead Paint Regulations State Resource Locator
Lead-based paint has been banned since 1978, but many older structures still have this paint on walls, woodwork, siding, windows, and doors. Construction and demolition workers can be exposed to lead contamination by cutting, scraping, sanding, heating, burning, or blasting lead-based paint from building components, metal bridges and metal storage tanks. In all states, C&D debris contaminated with lead-based paint must be properly managed and disposed of. The specific rules vary depending on where the debris came from and the characteristics of the waste (for more information, see CICA Center). The purpose of this on-line tool is to provide quick access to: state rules relating to lead/construction issues, state or federal programs that provide training and certification, and resources that can help achieve compliance. Use our lead paint tool to find your state's rules covering lead in construction issues, and learn about training and certification programs offered by your state.
Click on your states initials.