Solid Waste State Resource Locator
Primary State Agency: Agency of Natural Resources
- Primary State Solid Waste Page
- Construction and Demolition Waste
- Hazardous Waste
- Universal Waste
- Universal Wastes in Vermont include:
- batteries (e.g., lithium, nickel-cadmium, mercury, silver-oxide, and lead-acid batteries -- unless recycled under other regulations);
- pesticides;
- mercury containing devices (e.g., thermostats, switches);
- electric lamps (e.g., fluorescent, high intensity discharge, sodium vapor, and mercury vapor);
- hazardous waste aerosol cans;
- paint and paint-related wastes;
- cathode ray tubes (CRTs); and
- PCB ballast.
Certain other battery types (e.g. alkaline and carbon zinc cells that have been manufactured without mercury) may not be classified as hazardous wastes, and would therefore not fall under the Universal Waste Rule. However, as a matter of responsible practice, such batteries should be collected and sent to recycling facilities, rather than being landfilled.
- Regulations
- Medical Waste
- Recycling
- County and Municipal Codes and Ordinances
- More Information
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