Air Pollution State Resource Locator
State Agencies and Information
Most commercial and industrial operations which emit or have the potential to emit any air contaminant (e.g., particulate matter, dust, fumes, gas, mist, smoke, or vapor) requires an air permit. Building/installation permits must be acquired before construction of new equipment or modification of existing equipment and operating permits are needed before production begins. Permits are usually issued by state environmental agencies. Use the information below to find a contact point and useful resources to help you through the permitting process.
State Air Agency:
Maryland's Air Quality Compliance Program
State Air Toxics Web Page
Air Agency Contacts:
Additional Resources
Small Business Environmental Assistance Program. Section 507 of the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments requires each state establish a Small Business Environmental Assistance Program (SBEAP) to assist small businesses with environmental compliance and emissions reduction. Find your SBEAP state contact.
Potential to Emit. An EPA Guide for Small Businesses. One way to find out which requirements apply to you is to figure out your business's potential to emit. This document answers the following questions: What is potential to emit? How do I figure out the potential to emit for my business?
US EPA Office of Air and Radiation. This office develops national programs, technical policies and regulations for controlling air pollution and radiation exposure.
US EPA Toxic Air Pollutants. To control air toxic emissions, EPA has issued rules covering over 80 categories of major industrial sources, such as chemical plants, oil refineries, aerospace manufacturers, and steel mills, as well as categories of smaller sources, such as dry cleaners, commercial sterilizers, secondary lead smelters, and chromium electroplating facilities.
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