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Occupational Safety and Health Resource Locator


Twenty-four (24) states are covered entirely by the federal OSHA program.

n 1972, the Kentucky General Assembly adopted KRS Chapter 338, which established the Kentucky Occupational Safety and Health Program. Its mission is to prevent any detriment to the safety and health of all employees, both public and private, arising out of exposure to harmful conditions and practices at places of work. Kentucky OSH Division of Compliance's main objective is to ensure a safe and healthful workplace for the working men and women of the Commonwealth, by enforcing Kentucky's occupational safety and health standards, rules and regulations. The division's safety staff and industrial hygiene staff conduct general scheduled inspections, investigate accidents as well as employee complaints. The OSH Division of Education and Training's mission is also to assure, as far as possible, every worker in the Commonwealth safe and healthful working conditions. This division pursues its objectives through offering employers and employees voluntary compliance assistance in the form of cost-free services such as on-site safety and health consultative surveys, training, technical assistance, publications, partnership programs, recognition programs and statistical services.

Applicable Agencies

Occupational Safety and Health Regulations

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