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Occupational Safety and Health Resource Locator


Twenty-four (24) states are covered entirely by the federal OSHA program.

The mission of the Virginia Occupational Safety and Health (VOSH) program is to protect and promote the safety and health of Virginia's workers in their workplaces. The Virginia Safety and Health Codes Board establish Virginia Occupational Safety and Health regulations and standards, a regulatory board appointed by the Governor. The VOSH program operates within the Virginia Department of Labor and Industry (DOLI). One of the strengths of Virginia's State Plan is that it strives for a balanced and integrated approach to ensuring safe and healthy workplaces. Safety and health compliance activities, which include Discrimination Services, are a large part of the program, but in addition Virginia has programs that protect employees while providing an opportunity for employers to work cooperatively with VOSH.

Applicable Agencies

Occupational Safety and Health Regulations

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