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Occupational Safety and Health Resource Locator


Twenty-four (24) states are covered entirely by the federal OSHA program.

Established in 1972, following federal enabling legislation. VOSHA was comprised of two sections; the Enforcement Section and the Consultation and Training Section. In October of 2002, Labor & Industry reorganized and created two separate programs, each with their own manager, reporting directly to the Commissioner. Each program utilizes the same Vermont standards to assure safe and healthful working conditions for employees, however, each employs different methods to gain compliance. The Enforcement Section uses citations, with associated penalties, for serious violations. Escalating penalties exist for repeated violations, failure to correct, or willful violations. The consultation program, known as Project WorkSAFE, is a FREE business assistance program that works at an employer's REQUEST to assist them with meeting VOSHA standards.

Applicable Agencies

Occupational Safety and Health Regulations

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