Industrial Stormwater State Resource Locator
North Carolina
Activities that take place at industrial facilities, such as material handling and storage, are often exposed to the weather. As runoff from rain or snowmelt comes into contact with these activities, it can pick up pollutants and transport them to a nearby storm sewer or directly to a river, lake, or coastal water. To minimize the impact of stormwater discharges from industrial facilities, the Department of Environment and Natural Resources regulates industrial stormwater for 10 categories of industrial activity. Those regulations require authorization under an industrial stormwater permit or certification that industrial activities are not exposed to stormwater runoff.
To apply for an individual permit or for coverage under a statewide general permit you must file an application with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources prior to commencement of your industrial activities. These permits must be renewed every five years. All industrial stormwater permits include the requirement that a stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) be developed and implemented.
Alternatively, you may certify that your industrial activities are not exposed to stormwater runoff by submitting a "no exposure certification." As long as the condition of "no exposure" exists at a certified facility, the operator is excluded from industrial stormwater permit requirements. The no-exposure certification must be re-submitted every five years. If conditions change at the facility and materials or activities become exposed, the facility must immediately file for a stormwater permit.
In addition to these statewide rules, you may be required to meet additional local stormwater regulations. Check with your city or county government to determine if additional local rules apply to your industrial facility.
For Indian Country lands in North Carolina, U.S. EPA is the permitting authority for construction stormwater discharges. For more information, see EPA Multi-Sector General Permit (MSGP).
Use the North Carolina and U.S. EPA links below to locate permit application forms, no-exposure certification forms and guidance documents.
for North Carolina
U.S. EPA Industrial Stormwater Resources
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